they were playing for.

The observation that Perry Mason (or any other fictional detective) always wins; that the forces of good triumph over the forces of evil; that crime doesn't pay, etc., are paralled in the kinds of story we are discuss- ing. The force of good (gentle femininity) always wins out over the bad (the strong determined, rough quality of masculinity). In real life the forces of evil very frequently overwhelm the forces of good, detectives don't always catch the criminal nor do smart attorneys always win their cases. Virginia you are just a spoil sport! Yes, that's true. But remember I set out to help the FP achieve maturity and self-acceptance and this kind of story works in the other direction and fortifies his natural tendency to blame it on someone or something else.

Where do Astrology and Reincarnation come in? Right along with inheritance, hormones, absent fathers, dominating mothers, sickly childhoods, long hair as a child, etc. These latter “causes" have some- thing on their side in that they can affect to one degree or another the road a child chooses although they are not “causes" in the proper sense of the term. But if one believes that the stars influence and are directly responsible for all the major events in one's life—well, you've had it as far as self-acceptance is concerned. After all, if the stars and planets "did it" to you what chance have you of changing it. Moreover you can't help it because you were born under the sign of “X” with “Y” “rising” and “Z” was in your “A” “house", etc. (I've heard the terms but have admittedly no understanding nor belief in them.) Goodbye fair atrolo- gically-oriented-FP-reader, guess you won't be subscribing to TVia

No. 77!

And then Reincarnation... here is another cop out, perhaps the most effective of all. Who can fight destiny? I was a handmaiden on Cleo- patra's barge on the Nile in a prior lifetime and some of it is still with me. Or I am scheduled to be a woman in my next life and so this dressing thing in inherant with me — I'm just getting kind of prepared ahead of time for being born a female next time around. Now if you want to be- lieve in these two philosophies you have every right to be my guest. I hope it is worth it but you will never mature as a self-responsible human being because one of the most deep seated aspects of your total SELF (see VV column in TVias No. 73 and and 74) is being ascribed to forces over which you have no control. You are psychologically helpless about the whole thing and obviously cannot assume responsibility for what somebody else or something else or some supernatural force has and is